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Be the Sky

Brian Tom O'Connor

Bonus Game: Be the Sky

The object of this game is to imagine you are the sky above the clouds, looking at whatever appears from the clear blue infinite space of pure awareness.

  • Imagine that you're looking up at a clear blue sky. A pure beautiful cloudless blue sky stretching to infinity.

  • Now imagine a little puffy white cloud wafts into view. Then another one. And then a bigger cloud. Still plenty of blue sky can be seen.

  • And then some bigger, darker clouds appear. And more big dark clouds. And then the whole sky is filled with dark rain clouds. You can't see even a patch of blue anymore. Then it starts to rain. And thunder. And lightning.

  • Where's the blue sky? Is it still there, behind the clouds and the rain?

Let's see.

  • Let's start over. Clear all the clouds and rain, and start again with a clear blue sky.

  • Imagine that you're looking up at a clear blue sky. A pure beautiful cloudless blue sky stretching to infinity.

  • This time, imagine you're floating up into the sky. Up and up above the cloud level.

  • Now turn around and look down and notice a little puffy white cloud wafting into view below you. Then another one. And then a bigger cloud. Around you and behind you, there's plenty of blue sky.

  • And then some bigger, darker clouds appear. And more big dark clouds. The same big clouds that filled the whole sky when you were looking up at them, but now you're above them, floating in blueness, looking at the storm below.

  • Rain. Thunder. Lightning. You're the blue sky watching the clouds and rain and lightning, but your blueness remains.

  • Watch from above the clouds.

  • Be the Sky. That's pure awareness.

  • Now, still imagining yourself as the clear blue sky, watch as some thoughts roll through. Light fluffy thoughts at first, but then some darker ones. And then some emotions roll into view. Stormy feelings, with all the accompanying tension and internal argument and strategies to get rid of the feelings. Tears fall like rain.

  • But you're the blue sky of awareness, above the storm level, calmly and serenely watching the torrent of thoughts and emotions, knowing that you're untouched by them. Knowing that your lovely pure blue self is unharmed, unconcerned, and will remain blue and serene after the stormy thoughts and emotions dissipate and roll away, as if they'd never been there at all.

You are the untouched, unharmable, serene, silent, spacious, clear sky of pure awareness.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Play Awareness Games with others at the Awareness Games Meetup in NYC each Tuesday.

To learn more about Awareness Games, listen to this interview with me from the podcast, “The One You Feed.

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